1999 Brilliance, Chronicle Books
1999 Where to Get Married in the Bay Area, Chronicle Books
2003 Western Garden Annual, Sunset Books
2002 The Burning Man 2002 annual program
2001 King Size vs. Electro Puppies CD, SLC publishing
2000 San Francisco
Examiner Magazine
1996 Frontiers
2000 In Bloom engagement calendar, Chronicle Books
1999 In Bloom engagement calendar, Chronicle Books
2006 Radiance deluxe box of 5 note cards, Chronicle Books
2003-05 Fluo set of 5 postcards, exclusive IKEA stores
2003-05 2 mini-posters, Nouvelles Images
2002 2 stand-up postcards, Nouvelles Images
2001 The Peace Project postcard, self-published
2001-05 Brilliance deluxe box of 5 note cards, Chronicle Books
1999-01 Brilliance wooden box of 5 postcards, Chronicle Books
San Francisco Examiner Magazine, 3 spreads: ÒBrilliance,Ó ÒThe Digital Garden,Ó
ÒThe Ephemeral Architecture of the Burning ManÓ
Sunset Magazine: 4-page spread with interview
Frontiers Magazine: 2-page portfolio selection
Leonardo Magazine: ÒBurning ManÓ article, M.I.T. publication
Burning Man Calendars 2004 and 2005 participation, ongoing web site contributor
2004 Gonflable! Inflatable! group show, Lille, France
2003 The DVD Show solo exhibit, private estate, Marin County, CA
2002 Luxe, Calme et VoluptŽ solo exhibit, Modern Books, Palo Alto, CA
2001 The Digital Garden solo exhibit, Modern Books, Palo Alto, CA
Images used for numerous publications including ads, brochures and
annual reports (Europe, Japan)